How to attempt the NIMCET exam to score maximum marks?

How to attempt the NIMCET exam to score maximum marks? 

Hi, I hope your NIMCET preparation is going well.πŸ˜€ 

In this post, I'm going to share how I attempted my NIMCET 2020 examination and scored 550+ marks (don't know the exact score because in your result card you won't get the score, you'll only get the AIR, no transparency πŸ˜•I know!).

Remember, It's really important to attempt the exam in the right manner and utilize those 120 minutes in the best possible way.  After all, those 120 minutes will be going to decide the rest of your life.
So, the idea is very simple, you have to attempt your paper in such a way that you don't leave any question unseen/ unread. Make sure to go through all the questions at least once. Students make this mistake quite often. They start their exam from the very first question and just start attempting one by one. Eventually, give most of the time to one section and left a lot of questions without even reading them.
Here's the weightage of each section: 
Total Questions: 120
Total Time: 120 Minutes
Total Marks: 1000

NIMCET Weightage

120 questions in 120 minutes Tough!πŸ˜“ But don't see it like this. You don't need to solve all 120 questions for getting into a good NIT. You just need to attempt all those questions which YOU can solve. 

Here's the way I have attempted my NIMCET 2020 examination ( & NIMCET pattern tests as well):

> FIRST 30 Minutes: Start from Mathematics section and see which questions you can solve in less than a minute. 
There will be some questions which are either formula based or you have already remember the answer (previous year question may be). So attempt them first. And "Mark for review" all those which you know you can solve but it'll take more than 1 minute to get to the answer. Ignore others! (for now).
> NEXT 10 Minutes: Now move on to Computer Section. Attempt those questions which you know and skip others.
> NEXT 30 Minutes: Move on to Reasoning section. Skip the puzzles because it'll take time. First tackle individual questions.
> NEXT 30 Minutes: Go back to Maths section and attempt marked for review questions.
( At this point you'll have around 15-20 minutes left)
> LAST 15 - 20 Minutes: Go for Reasoning Puzzles. Just see if you can crack any puzzle in 7-10 minutes. If you are unable to crack it, it's ok. Give your remaining time to English. Just see if you can do 3-4 questions. Comprehension or any other. 

First 30 minutes - Maths < 1 minute ques  + Mark for review > 1 minute Maths ques(which you know how to solve)
Next 10 minutes - Computer
Next 30 minutes - Reasoning Individual Questions
Next 30 minutes - Maths Marked for Review Questions
Next 20 minutes - Reasoning Puzzles + English

#TIP 1: Stick with the approach not with the timings!

In NIMCET from Maths and Reasoning sections one section will be somewhat difficult than the other. (It's a rule) One will be EASY! 
And you have to attempt as many questions as you can from that EASY SECTION. In 2020 Maths was so easy and Reasoning was difficult. I started from Maths and solved 25+ questions in first 30 - 45 minutes then solved Computer and then Reasoning. But Reasoning was difficult so I didn't give 30 minutes. I just solved may be 10 -15 questions and went back to maths for solving marked for review questions. 

#TIP 2: Always Start from Maths Section!
In case you find Maths difficult that means Reasoning will be easy but that doesn't mean you directly jump to Reasoning skipping Maths and Computer! No! Don't do that. Stick with the approach. Go through all the Maths questions first. Solve < 1 minute questions ( if there are any) & mark for review which you know how to solve. If Maths is difficult you'll cover it in less than 30 minutes ( & get ample amount of time for Reasoning). Quickly Jump to Computer, attempt. Now give your time to Reasoning. 

Main idea is to stick with the approach!

Mistake by my friends: 
As I told you in 2020 Maths section was very easy and Reasoning was difficult. But some of my friends started from Reasoning (because of lack of confidence in Maths) and wasted so much time in Reasoning that they ran out of time for Maths. 

I hope you don't make this mistake. Utilize your time. Goal is to score maximum marks and dude Maths have the highest weightage. 

All the Best for NIMCET 2021 Examination buddy! πŸ’› 

Drop a πŸ‘ in comments, if this post helped you in any way!πŸ˜…


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